"I must be a mermaid; therefore, I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living." - Anais Nin

Compassionate Mental Health Therapy and Support

For women, mothers, and those preparing to become parents. During pregnancy, through the postpartum period, into parenthood, and beyond. Wherever you are on your parenting or life journey, you are not alone. We’re here to help you understand, heal, and grow so you and your family can thrive. Together, we can do this!"

Welcome To Progressive Counseling & Hypnosis!

As a mother, have you found yourself experiencing...

  • Overwhelming anxiety about being a good mother or making mistakes?
  • Guilt or shame for not feeling immediate joy or attachment to your baby?
  • Feeling isolated or disconnected, even with support from family or friends?
  • Feeling resentment towards your partner or baby for how much your life has changed?
  • Fearing failure and not living up to your own or others’ expectations?
  • Feeling anger or frustration over the loss of your personal freedom and time?
  • Feeling exhausted and burnt out but also pressured to appear “strong” or capable?
  • Feeling sadness or grief over your previous lifestyle or body changes?
  • Doubting whether you are “cut out” to be a mother?
  • Feeling jealous of your partner, friends, or family members who seem to be coping better?
  • Feeling regret or second-guessing your decision to have children?

Then you are not alone!

  Parenting is often described as a beautiful and transformative experience filled with moments of joy, love, and deep connection. Bringing a child into the world and watching them grow can be one of the most rewarding parts of life. However, alongside these joyful moments, parenting can also stir up complex emotions—fear, anxiety, grief, and an amplified inner critic. Many mothers feel a sense of loss for their old identity, experience doubts about their abilities, and face the relentless pressure of trying to do everything “right.” These feelings are normal, but they can be overwhelming, especially when mothers are expected to navigate them alone.

This transition is known as matrescence—a term that describes the physical, emotional, and social shift that occurs when a woman becomes a mother. Much like adolescence, matrescence is a developmental process, one that involves major life changes and can often be accompanied by confusion, self-doubt, and a sense of identity loss. Understanding matrescence is key to appreciating that these struggles are a normal part of becoming a mother. It allows space for mothers to process the duality of joy and hardship without feeling as though they are failing.

We use a therapy approach that focuses on the needs of mothers (mother-centered) and acknowledges the profound transition into motherhood and every stage of their parenting journey. This therapy helps women embrace the complexity of their emotions and provides tools to understand their inner critic and build self-compassion. 

When therapy is focused on the mother’s experience, it creates a safe space for her to:

  • Find her voice: Many new mothers feel lost in the expectations placed on them by society, family, and even themselves. A mother-centered approach helps them discover what truly matters to them as parents, separate from external pressures.

  • Develop parenting confidence: Therapy can support a mother in building trust in her ability to care for her child. As she gains confidence in her decisions, the constant second-guessing and self-doubt diminish.

  • Cultivate compassion: Self-compassion is critical for mothers who often judge themselves harshly. Therapy encourages mothers to embrace imperfections and understand that challenges are a natural part of motherhood.

  • Trust her intuition: In a world filled with advice and information, it’s easy for mothers to feel overwhelmed. A mother-centered approach helps mothers reconnect with their instincts, empowering them to trust their inner wisdom when making family decisions.

  • Create her unique parenting framework: Rather than following rigid external standards, therapy can help a mother develop a parenting approach that aligns with her values, personality, and family needs. This personalized framework fosters a more authentic and connected family dynamic.

Focusing on the mother's well-being not only benefits her as an individual but also has a positive impact on the entire family. An emotionally healthy, confident, and self-compassionate mother can create an environment where her family feels supported, connected, and understood because as she learns to navigate her own emotional landscape, she will be able to model emotional resilience, self-acceptance, and empathy for her children, creating a strong, connected family unit. 

In addition, when a mother feels empowered, she can raise her children in a way that nurtures their emotional well-being and fosters secure, loving relationships.

   You are the universe expressing itself as a human for a little while” 
— Eckhart Tolle 


" an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs or an extremely outstanding or an unusual event, thing, or accomplishment."

YOU are a miracle. Scientists have crunched the numbers countless times, revealing that the chances of your existence are an astonishing 1 in 400 trillion. Every factor had to align perfectly for you to be here in this moment, reading these words. Dr. Ali Binazir illustrates this improbability by likening it to a single turtle sticking its head out of the water within a life preserver floating in an endless ocean on the very first try—a probability so infinitesimal it's practically zero, 1 in 102,685,000 to be exact. 

You are not meant to be overwhelmed by sadness, worry, fear, doubts, or other negative emotions. Instead, your journey is supposed to be about finding beauty and joy even amidst life's smallest moments, despite the occasional pain inherent in the human experience. Within each of us lies a radiant light, a unique goodness waiting to be tapped into. By connecting with this inner essence, we can achieve greater balance and tranquility. This journey is about awakening to the fullness of your being, embracing love, and radiating your unique light into the world.  

Empowerment is not just about finding your light; it's about letting it shine brightly!

“If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can't survive.”
― Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

What would it be like if you knew in your heart that:

You are normal

You are good enough

You have value

You are needed

You are loveable and loving

That you are unique and interesting

That you are naturally beautiful and whole

Are you a woman and/or a mother ready to embark on a journey where you can:

Connect with your intuition and heart

Embrace all aspects of yourself ("the good, bad, and the ugly") with love and acceptance

Feel confident and feel you have worth and purpose

Learn how to speak your inner truths and advocate for yourself

Learn how to set boundaries and carve time out of your busy schedule for self-care

Connect with your passions 

Then you have come to the right place, and I am here to help and support you on your journey!

 Take advantage of a FREE 15-minute phone consultation.


Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Miracle definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/miracleSpector, D. (n.d.). The odds of you being alive are incredibly small. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/infographic-the-odds-of-being-alive-2012-6#:~:text=Imagine%20there%20was%20one%20life,middle%20of%20that%20life%20preserver.


Here Is How We Can Help

Women and mothers navigate unique challenges that significantly impact their mental health. They are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression, often due to a myriad of factors. Hormonal fluctuations, spanning from puberty to menopause, add layers of complexity to their emotional well-being. Moreover, societal dynamics place additional burdens on women, with unequal power dynamics and the often overwhelming juggle of career and household responsibilities. Many women, particularly single parents, face the daunting task of working multiple jobs to sustain their families while also shouldering caregiving responsibilities for children and sick or elderly relatives. These multifaceted challenges heighten the risk of anxiety and depression among women, underscoring the importance of tailored counseling approaches to address their unique needs.

Women commonly bring to counseling issues such as:

  • Relationership concerns/fears of being alone
  • Health/Sexual concerns
  • Fears related to pregnancy and becoming a parent
  • Parenting Issues
  • Burnout for caring for others
  • Identity/Self-Esteem issues
  • Setting boundaries in relationships/being more assertive
  • Worrying about approval  and fear of confrontatio

If you're feeling overwhelmed as a new mom, struggling to connect with your child or partner, or dealing with the emotional toll of relationship challenges, reaching out for support is okay. You may be facing concerns around pregnancy, parenthood, or burnout from caring for others. Perhaps you're wrestling with identity or self-esteem issues, setting boundaries, or fearing confrontation in your relationships. Or, maybe you're navigating the uncertainty of an unhealthy relationship, processing a break-up, or feeling lost about your next steps. You don't have to go through it alone.

My approach integrates Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Mother-Centered Therapy Techniques infused with IFS techniques, Mindfulness, and Solution-Focused therapy concepts. These techniques can help you gain insight, lift your mood, and rebuild your self-confidence.

Together, we can work toward your healing and empowerment, allowing you to feel more grounded in your decisions and more connected in your relationships. Take the first step today and schedule a phone consult—I'd be honored to support you on your journey.

Click on the tabs below to learn more about our mental health and hypnosis services. 

About Jennifer Molinari

Hello, I'm Jennifer!

I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) with over 20 years of experience. I am an advocate, a spiritual soul searcher, and a truth seeker. My calling is to help women like you tune into your intuition and heart so that you can lead a life that aligns with your true self. I believe everyone can heal themselves and, intuitively, that everyone knows what they need to feel fulfilled. While working together, we will work on helping you access and reclaim your unique strengths and inner resources.

Jennifer Molinari, LCPC, NCC

About Our Practice

Progressive Counseling & Hypnosis, located in Columbia, MD, provides high-quality online/virtual mental health counseling and hypnosis services for adults residing in Howard, Baltimore, and Montgomery Counties (and all surrounding counties) in Maryland. 

At our practice, we provide empathetic and impactful mental health services tailored to the needs of both women and men, with a dedicated focus on addressing women's specific mental health concerns. College students are also welcome. Our mental health counseling services encompass a wide range of areas, including support for: 


  • Anxiety
  • Mild depression
  • Grief and loss
  • Relationship and family dynamics
  • Navigating life transitions
  • Pregnancy and parenting challenges
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Communication skills, assertiveness, and boundary setting 
  • Hypnosis for issues related to various mental health needs

With an integrative and compassionate approach, we are committed to helping individuals achieve holistic well-being and thrive in every aspect of their lives. 


Carefirst BCBS 



United Health Care


*Insurance is not accepted for hypnosis sessions.

Click Here For More Information on the No Surprises Act for Mental health Services 

Click here now to schedule your free 15-minute consult!

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What Jennifer's clients have to say

"You will fall in love with Jennifer Molinari~you will not find a more thoughtful, caring counselor. She is intelligent and insightful, with an open mind and a warm heart. "


"Jennifer was an active listener and helped me clarify my problems and what I wanted to achieve. She gave me great book recommendations. For the first time in my experience, I had a therapist who actually listened to me."


"Jennifer made us feel more positive and calm about becoming new parents and moving through the pregnancy. We were less worried about having a healthy baby and more focused on staying positive. I would recommend Jennifer to anyone becoming a parent."

Hypnobirthing Client